California recently enacted the ACEs Equity Act to expand health insurance coverage for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) screening.
This is excellent news, as it’ll allow more people to get screened for ACEs, the root cause of the toxic stress responsible for serious, costly health challenges and even death.
Once screened, people will have a better understanding of where their toxic stress comes from so they can begin seeking evidence-based care.
If you’ve been screened for ACEs, what’s next?
True Sage was developed with a remarkable advisor, Dr. Vincent Felitti, the Co-Principal Investigator of the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, as the prescribed follow-up methodology after patients get their ACE score. It was used with the study’s original participants in the 1980s and we’ve been refining it ever since.
True Sage programs are clinically proven and endorsed by Dr. Felitti himself as a treatment solution for ACEs. They are available to individuals and can also be delivered as a package to supplement corporate wellness initiatives. To find the best True Sage program for yourself, your loved ones, your clients, or your patients.