Sessions - Dr. Brian Alman
  • +1 (760) 436-0042


4-Hour Deep Dive

During your 4-Hour Deep Dive conducted on Zoom, FaceTime, in-person, or in-office, you will immediately gain trust and confidence in your inner resources and potential for success, inside and out. You will develop various new skills to help yourself accept, let go, and transcend what has caused you to get where you are and help you (finally) get through the obstacles that have blocked your progress in the past.

This deep dive is typically split into two, two-hour sessions. 

Click the button below to get started.

All-Day Deep Dive

The All-Day Deep Dive is typically divided into two four-hour sessions conducted on Zoom, FaceTime, in person, or in the office. It is your opportunity to get personalized support and develop various new skills to help you accept, let go, and transcend what has caused you to get where you are and (finally) overcome the obstacles that have blocked your progress in the past.

Click the button below to get started. 

Part One

The first part of day one is closed-eye history-taking, where you will develop unconditional acceptance of your story, emotions, and mindsets, conscious, subconscious, and unconscious, for immediate and long-term success. Usually, for the first time, there is a meeting of the mind(s), body, heart, and soul for expansion inside and out of your health and happiness. 

You will create a “committee meeting” to understand how your mind works (and doesn’t work) in connection with your feelings and body. Your self-understanding will start helping you from the inside out.   

Part Two

With Dr. Alman’s support, you will conduct a Committee Meeting, finishing with the unfinished business of childhood difficulties.

We will co-create the best strategies for integrating your new learning into your everyday life and record them for you to use anytime. These strategies will be sent by text or email, and Dr. Alman will follow up with a call to ensure you are integrating your new learning into your everyday life.   

The All-Day Deep Dive is typically divided into two four-hour sessions conducted on Zoom, FaceTime, in person, or in office.

Beach Session: 3-Day Intensive

I am offering an exclusive opportunity to spend three days with me at the beach.*

*These all-day sessions can also be conducted virtually via Zoom or phone call, or in-office. 

My schedule only allows me to offer this opportunity to the 1st client each month in 2024 and those who register by June 25th.  Take advantage of this opportunity and save 20% off our regular price.   

These all-day beach sessions (from 10 am – 6 pm) are the most effective way to identify and resolve the emotional issues that have led to your blocks to health and happiness, stress, lack of motivation (or follow-through), weight gain, addictions, and personal challenges.

These sessions will improve your life more than anything else you’ve ever done! 

During your beach sessions, I will immediately help you gain trust and confidence in your inner resources and potential for success, inside and out. You will develop a variety of new skills to help yourself accept, let go, and transcend what has caused you to get where you are and help you (finally) get through the obstacles that have blocked your progress in the past.

There’s only one spot left for June and July, so book your session today!

Remember  – ONLY a limited number of people can take advantage of this offer and register.

If you register by June 25th, you will receive one follow-up session for free.

This will be a 60-minute Zoom, FaceTime, or phone call with me a week or two after your beach session. We will review our discussions, what you learned and integrated, and discuss the solutions that helped you most. 

To schedule your Beach Session, click below to book a call with Dr. Alman!