Discover Your ACE Score - Unlock Healing & Resilience | Dr. Brian Alman
  • +1 (760) 436-0042

Assessments to determine your number of Adverse Childhood Experiences.

What are ACEs?

Do you know how experiences from your childhood are still impacting you today? The truth is, adverse childhood experiences between birth and the age of eighteen really influence us for the rest of our lives, impacting the way we handle stress, communicate, and manage relationships. If you aren’t aware of this impact, life can be frustrating and confusing. You may struggle to keep strong and supportive relationships, lack the ability to communicate effectively, and find that your ways of coping with stress, uncertainty, or fear are unhealthy, unsustainable, and damaging to yourself and others.

Get Your ACE Score

Your ACE Score is a total count of the number of adverse childhood experiences you report. The ACE Score assesses the amount of stress during childhood (to the age of 18 years) and demonstrates that as the number of ACEs increases, the risk for the following health problems increases in a strong and graded trajectory:

So, what’s the next step?

Answering these question will help you understand how distant life experiences might be affecting your health and well-being now.

Certain childhood experiences often unspoken are known to have adverse effects on adult health ahd wellbeing years after the fact.

The ACE Assessment asks 10 yes or no questions and 2 optional fill-in questions. All your answers are confidential and will be used to calculate your ACE Score. This 0 to 10 score will help us understand together how to help you better by providing the most appropriate treatment approaches. Please reach out to me with your ACE Score, your story, your questions and for our collaboration.

Childhood Trauma Questionnaire for Teens & Preteens

Childhood Trauma Questionnaire for Parents

Childhood Trauma Questionnaire for Adults

Contact Now

    Want personalized support as you navigate the ACE Assessment? Reach out to Dr. Alman for a free 15-minute session to get your score.

    Alcoholism and alcohol abuse
    Alcoholism and alcohol abuse
    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
    Fetal death
    Fetal death
    Health-related quality of life
    Health-related quality of life
    Illicit drug use
    Illicit drug use
    Ischemic heart disease (IHD)
    Ischemic heart disease (IHD)
    Liver disease
    Liver disease
    Risk for intimate partner violence
    Risk for intimate partner violence
    Multiple sexual partners
    Multiple sexual partners
    Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
    Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
    Suicide attempts
    Suicide attempts
    Unintended pregnancies
    Unintended pregnancies
    Early initiation of smoking
    Early initiation of smoking
    Early initiation of sexual activity
    Early initiation of sexual activity
    Adolescent pregnancy
    Adolescent pregnancy

    Adverse Childhood Experiences and Toxic Stress

    Toxic stress is a result of ACEs, and it is defined as “the body’s response to lasting and serious stress without enough support from a caregiver.” This lasting stress can damage a child’s body and negatively impact brain development, thus causing lifelong health problems into adulthood.

    Toxic stress doesn’t just go away on its own, and it makes stress-free living in adulthood impossible because your stress response is still working overtime – whether you recognize it or not.

    Once you’ve gotten your ACE Score, you will have a better understanding of where your stress comes from and how toxic stress may be impacting your life.

    The journey to healing from ACEs is a rewarding and worthwhile one. And the path you take is as unique as you are. No matter your ACE Score, a great way to start is by learning healthy ways to heal from stress experienced in the past and present, so it no longer blocks you from the life you deserve.

    When you take steps to turn off your body’s stress response, a calm, deep, inner power will emerge. This relaxed and empowered state will enable you to be more resilient, think more clearly, and show up as your best self in all areas of life.

    True Sage Courses are all trauma-informed, personalized, and clinically proven. To enroll, <a href=””> click here </a>.